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Jean Patou is now Patou


Read it
And what do you hear?
Patou, a single word
For a singular world,
From the first letter
To the last “ooo!”
A timeless name,

A word, a friend, an invitation
Patou for the woman next door,
And for the woman of the world,
Have your cake
And eat it Patou!
For every day
For every season,
Like a bijou
Made just for you.







J'adore ce truc!

J'adore ce truc!


Patou of Hearts
Or Patou of Spades
Patou is a promise
Of chic
And tongue-and-cheek,
A phrase that lingers
A story that lasts,
A devilish smile.

Patou is a wardrobe
With an open sky,
Patou for that craving
That craves it all.
Witty Patou goes where it wants to,
Patou good to be true?
Jean Patou is now Patou –
A good old time
A brand new debut

Patou is Patou!


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